středa 13. dubna 2011

Interbeauty Prague

Tuším, že je to asi tak dva týdny co se konal tento veletrh. Mohli jste tam najít vše okolo kosmetiky, nehtů, kabelky vydávané za nějakou italskou krásu, napodobeniny LV i Guess, no ale také soutěže. Nevím kolik jich bylo dohromady, rozhodně mě dvě zaujaly.
Ten první páteční den probíhala soutěž v tzv. "nail art" a musím přiznat, že je to opravdové umění. Chápu... na každý den to opravdu není, ale uznejte, že dámy manikérky mají sakra fantazii.
I think that it trade was like approximatelly two weeks ago. You could find there everything around cosmetics, nails, purses from Asia sold as italian, fake LV purses and Guess, but also a competittions. I do not now how many were there together, anyweys two were really interesting and I have to share it.
On Friday there was a competittion called "nail art" and I have to admit, that this is a real art to me. Ok, it is true, you won't wear it every day, but come on... you have to admit that the ladies have pretty damn good fantasy.

3 komentáře:

  1. no mna take nechty dost desia :P

  2. Oh my god that girl with the rat is everywhere! She has even made an appearance on your blog!!!!

  3. oh, preboha... neznášam takéto nechtiská:D
